Easy understanding the Genesis.

Genesis 1
God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image, and gave them charge over the earth.

Genesis 2
God formed a man and gave him the garden in Eden, except the tree of good and evil. Adam was alone so God made a woman as his partner.

Genesis 3
The serpent deceived the woman.She and Adam ate from the tree. The ground was cursed, and God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden.

Genesis 4
Eve's sons made offerings to the LORD. Only Abel's was acceptable, so Cain killed him. Abel's blood cried out and God sent Cain away.

Genesis 5
Adam's line was: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah. Noah's sons were Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Genesis 6
Humankind corrupted the earth with evil. God decided to destroy them. He told Noah to build an ark to be saved from the flood.

Genesis 7
Noah and his family went into the ark 
with two of each creature.It rained for forty days and forty nights and the earth was covered.

Genesis 8
The flood abated. Noah sent out a raven and two doves. When the earth was dry God called them all out of the ark. Noah built an altar.

Genesis 9
God blessed Noah and set the rainbow as a sign that he would never flood the earth again. Noah got drunk and cursed Ham's son Canaan.

Genesis 10
Japheth's line lived in the coast-lands; Ham's included Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's lived in the East. These formed the nations.

Genesis 11
They began building a great tower for themselves, but the Lord confused their language. Shem's line included Abram who married Sarai.
Genesis 12
God told Abram, "Go, I will make you a great nation. You will be a blessing." In Egypt Abram lied about Sarai and Pharaoh was cursed.

Genesis 13
Abram journeyed with his nephew Lot. Their servants argued, so Lot went to Sodom, Abram to Canaan. The LORD promised Abram the land.

Genesis 14
The kings went to war and took Lot captive. Abram rescued Lot. Melchizedek blessed Abram and Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Genesis 15
The Lord promised Abram an heir and many descendants. Abram believed. He was told that they would be enslaved but would then return.

Genesis 16
Sarai told Abram to have children with Hagar. Hagar conceived, then ran away, but an angel sent her back. Hagar's son was Ishmael.

Genesis 17
God made a covenant with Abram and renamed him Abraham. He renamed Sarai Sarah and promised them a son. The men were circumcised.

Genesis 18
Three visitors came and said that Sarah would have a son next year. Sodom was very evil; Abraham pleaded with the LORD for the city.

Genesis 19
Angels took Lot out of Sodom. The city was destroyed by fire and Lot's wife was turned to salt. His daughters had children for him.

Genesis 20
In Gerar Abraham said, "Sarah is my sister." King Abimelech took her but God warned him in a dream. He restored Sarah to Abraham.

Genesis 21
As promised, Sarah had a son: Isaac. She had Hagar and Ishmael sent away but God preserved them. Abraham and Abimelech made a treaty.

Genesis 22
God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham obeyed, an angel stopped him. The LORD provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham.

Genesis 23
Sarah died in Kiriath-arba. Abraham asked the Hittites for a burial site. He bought a cave from Ephron and buried Sarah there.

Genesis 24
Abraham's servant went to Nahor to find a wife for Isaac. He met Rebekah by the well. She went back with him and married Isaac.

Genesis 25
Abraham died and was buried with Sarah. Isaac and Rebekah had twins: Esau and Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a meal.

Genesis 26
In Gerar Issac lied about Rebekah. He grew so rich that Abimelech sent him away. He dug wells, and at Beersheba the LORD blessed him.

Genesis 27
Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessing. Esau vowed revenge so Rebekah told Jacob to go to her brother Laban.

Genesis 28
Isaac sent Jacob to marry one of Laban's daughters. On the way Jacob dreamed of a ladder reaching to heaven and the LORD blessed him.

Genesis 29
Jacob worked for Laban seven years to marry Rachel, but Laban gave him Leah and made him work seven more for Rachel. Leah had sons.

Genesis 30
Rachel's maid had sons for Jacob, then Leah's maid, then Leah. Finally Rachel had a son. Laban allowed Jacob flocks as wages to stay-wages to stay.

Genesis 31
The Lord told Jacob to return home. Jacob left in secret and Rachel took Laban's idols. Laban chased Jacob but they made a treaty.

Genesis 32
Jacob heard that Esau was coming to meet him. He was afraid and sent gifts. That night he wrestled with a man who renamed him Israel.

Genesis 33
Esau and his men arrived. Jacob bowed down but Esau ran to embrace him. Jacob settled near Shechem and built an altar.

Genesis 34
Shechem raped Jacob's daughter and asked to marry her. Jacob's sons told him to circumcise his men, then Simeon and Levi killed them.
Genesis 35
Jacob went to Bethel and God renamed him Israel. They journeyed on. Rachel died having Israel's twelfth son. Isaac died in Hebron.
Genesis 36
Esau's sons were Eliphaz, Reuel, Jeush, Jalam and Korah. Esau and his family moved away to Seir. They became the Edomites.

Genesis 37
Joseph was Israel's favourite son. He had dreams and his brothers were jealous so they sold him. He was bought by Potiphar in Egypt.

Genesis 38
Judah's sons Er and Onan died, leaving Tamar a widow. Judah sent her away but she put on a veil and he slept with her. She had twins.

Genesis 39
Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his house. His wife tried to seduce Joseph, then lied about it, so Potiphar put Joseph in prison.

Genesis 40
Pharaoh put his cup-bearer and baker in prison. Joseph interpreted their dreams. The cup-bearer was restored but the baker was hanged.

Genesis 41
Pharaoh had a dream and called for Joseph to interpret it. The dream predicted a famine. Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all Egypt.
Genesis 42
Joseph's brothers went to Egypt to buy grain but didn't recognise him. He kept Simeon in prison and sent the rest to fetch Benjamin.

Genesis 43
When the grain ran out, Joseph's brothers went back to Egypt with Benjamin. Joseph invited them to his house and gave them a feast.

Genesis 44
Joseph hid his cup in Benjamin's sack, then sent a steward after his brothers. Judah offered himself as a slave instead of Benjamin.

Genesis 45
Joseph told his brothers who he was. They were afraid, but he told them, "God sent me here." His brothers went to fetch their father.

Genesis 46
So Israel set out with all his household. God told him not to be afraid. Israel and all his family came to Egypt and Joseph met him.
Genesis 47
Pharaoh allowed Joseph's family to settle in Goshen. The famine continued and the Egyptians sold all they had to Pharaoh for food.

Genesis 48
Jacob became ill, so Joseph took his sons to see him. Jacob blessed Joseph's sons as his own, putting Ephraim ahead of Manasseh.
Genesis 49
Jacob gathered his sons and blessed each of them. He charged them to bury him with Abraham in the cave in Canaan, and then he died.
Genesis 50
Pharaoh allowed Joseph to go and bury Jacob. Before Joseph died, he said that God would lead his people back to the promised land.

Interesting facts about Genesis

Meaning  "Origin" "Generation" or "beginning"

Author  Moses

Time written 1450-1410 B.C

Position in the Bible    1st book in the Bible
                                       1st book in the Old Testament
                                       1st book in the Pentateuch or Torah.
Chapters 50
Verses     1533
  • Genesis ends before the three centuries of Moses's birth.
  • The historical period of Genesis is very large even comparing other 64 books 
  • Genesis has large time spans.
  • Why God choose Israel explained in chapter 1:11.
  • How God choose Israel explained in chapter 12:50.
  • Abraham covenant and how it's rectified explained in 12:1-2 and 15:1-21.

Genesis has 3 geographical settings

1)The fertile crescent covers the cheaper 1-11 which has more than 2000 years and 1500 miles.
2)Israel covers the chapters 12-36 which has 193 years history in it and small country of canan.
3)Egypt covers the chapters 37-50 and carries 93 years.

3 Specific promises:

  • The promise of the great land - The river of Egypt to river of Euphrates (15:8).
  • The promise of the great nation - I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth (13:6).
  • The promise of the great BLESSING - I will bless you make your name a great, and you shall be blessings (12:1)

Genesis related to almost everything:

Universe         Marriage.      Redemption
Life                  Love.               Prophesy
Mankind.         Sin.                Language
Sabbath.          Death.           Sacrifice.

Genesis covers:

  • The creation
  • The fall of man
  • Spread of Civilisation
  • The flood
  • The call of Abraham
  • Promise of Messiah 
  • Joseph in Egypt

Genesis contain messianic predictions:

  • Genesis 3:15 - Christ is the seed of Woman.
  • Genesis 4:25 - From the line of Seth (Adam)
  • Genesis 9:27 - From the line of Shem (Noah)
  • Genesis 12:3 - The descendants of Abraham
  • Genesis 21:12 - The descendants of Isaac
  • Genesis 25:23 - The descendants of Jocob
  • Genesis 49:10 - From the tribe of Judah

Ex1: The Israelite's prospered in Egypt, but a new king arose and forced them into hard labour. He commanded that their baby boys be killed.

Ex2: Pharaoh's daughter found a Hebrew baby by the river. She named him Moses. When he grew up, Moses killed an Egyptian and fled to Median

Ex:3 Moses saw a burning bush. God told him to lead the Israelite's out of Egypt. Moses asked God his name and God said, "I am who I am."

Ex4: The LORD gave Moses signs so that the people would listen. Moses was afraid, so the LORD sent his brother Aaron to speak for him. sent his brother Aaron to speak for him.

Ex5: Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh to let the Israelite's go into the desert to worship. Pharaoh refused and increased their workload instead.

Ex6: The LORD told Moses that he would lead the Israelite's out of Egypt to the promised land. Aaron and Moses were from the tribe of Levi.

Ex7:Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh.Aaron's staff became the snake,then the Lord turned the nile to blood, but Pharaoh would not listen.

Ex8: The LORD sent a plague of frogs on Egypt. Pharaoh begged for relief but then hardened his heart. The LORD sent gnats and then flies.

Ex9: The LORD sent a plague on the livestock of Egypt, then boils and then hail. Pharaoh beggar
for relief but then his heart was hardened but then his heart was hardened.

Ex10: The LORD sent a plague of locusts. Pharaoh begged for relief but then his heart was hardened. The LORD sent darkness for three days.

Ex11: The LORD said that he would send one more plague, and then Pharaoh would let the Israelite's go: all the firstborn Egyptians would die.

Ex12: The LORD told the Israelite's to take Passover. That night all the firstborn Egyptians werekilled. Pharaoh told the Israelite's to go  killed. Pharaoh told the Israelite's to go.

Ex13: The LORD told the Israelite's to consecrate their firstborns to him. He guided them as a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night.

Ex14: Pharaoh's army caught the Israelite's by the sea. The LORD parted the waters and the Israelite's crossed. The Egyptian army was drowned.

Ex15: The Israelite's sang: "I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea." They camped at Elim.

Ex16: The Israelite's grumbled to Moses that they had no food, so each day the LORD provided quails and manna. They rested on the sabbath.

Ex17: The LORD told Moses to strike a rock to provide water. Amalek attacked Israel, but as Moses held up his arms Joshua's army prevailed.

Ex18: Moses' father-in-law Jethro came and offered sacrifices to God. He suggested that Moses appoint leaders to help him judge the people.

Ex19: The Israelite's camped near the mountain in Sinai. The LORD spoke to Moses on the mountain and made his covenant with Israel.

Ex20: I am the LORD your God. Honour the LORD above everything. Keep the Sabbath. Honour your parents. Don't do wrong to your neighbours.

Ex21: If you buy a Hebrew slave he shall go free in the seventh year. Whoever kills shall be put to death. Whoever injures shall compensate.

Ex22: Whoever steals shall make restitution. If a man sleeps with a virgin he shall marry her. You shall not oppress strangers or the poor.

Ex23: You shall not pervert justice. Each year you shall hold feasts. My angel will lead you and I will drive your enemies from the land.

Ex24: The people said, "All that the LORD has spoken we will do", and they offered sacrifices. The LORD told Moses to stay on the mountain.

Ex25: Tell the Israelite's to make a sanctuary for me. Make an ark with a mercy seat and two cherubim. Make a table. Then make a lamp-stand.

Ex26: Make a tabernacle of fine linen. Make curtains of goats' hair to cover the tabernacle. Make boards of acacia wood and a linen veil.

Ex27: Make an altar of acacia wood with bronze utensils. Make a court for the tabernacle of fine linen hangings and bronze pillars.

Ex28: Set apart Aaron and his sons to minister as priests. Make a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, a tunic, a turban and a sash for them.

Ex29: Sacrifice a young bull and two rams to consecrate Aaron and his sons. Make daily sacrifices on the altar and I will dwell with Israel.

Ex30: Make an altar for burning incense. The Israelite's shall each give half a shekel. Make a bronze laver. Make anointing oil and incense.

Ex31: I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, with skill to make everything I have commanded. The seventh day is a Sabbath of rest.

Ex32: While Moses was away the people worshipped a golden calf. Moses pleaded with the LORD for them, but then had three thousand killed.

Ex33: Moses set up a tent of meeting. He said to the LORD, "Don't send us from here without your presence." The LORD passed near to Moses.

Ex34: Moses made new tablets for the law. The LORD spoke to him and made a covenant with Israel. When Moses returned his face was shining.

Ex35: Moses told the Israelite's to keep the Sabbath. He called for craftsmen to make the tabernacle. The people gave gifts for the work.

Ex36: The people gave more than enough. The craftsmen made the curtains. Bezalel made the curtains, the boards, the veil and the pillars.

Ex37: Bezalel made the ark with its cherubim, the table, the lamp-stand and the incense altar. He made the anointing oil and the incense.

Ex38: Bezalel made the altar of burnt offering, the laver and the court. Ithamar kept an inventory of the gold, silver and bronze used.

Ex39: They made the ephod, breastplate, tunics, turban and sash for Aaron. Moses saw that it had all been made as the LORD had commanded.

Ex40: Moses set up the tabernacle and brought the ark into it, as the LORD had commanded. Then the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

Interesting facts about Exodus.

Meaning: exit, department, going out.
Author: Moses.
Time written: 1445 to 1404 BC.
Chapters :40
Verses: 1213

Position in the Bible:
  • Second book in the Bible
  • Second book in Old Testaments
  • Second book in the Pentateuch or Torah
  • 64 Books to follow it.

Observations about Exodus:

  • 300 years difference in exodus and genesis.
  • It is the record of Israelite birth as nation.
  • Exodus begins with Israelite struggles and ends with liberation.
  • 70 people entered in Egypt (1:5), Joseph was already there.
  • Exodus covers the period of Jacob arrival in Egypt 1875 BC, Tabernacle and wilderness some years of 431 years later that is 1445 BC.
  • After the death of Joseph and changes in dynasty made the Israelite to became slaves in Egypt.
  • During the Israelite was in Egypt, Egypt was the most powerful nation in the world.
  • God rose Moses for Israelite liberation from Egypt.
  • Moses was the Levis.
  • At the time of exodus there was 60000 men above the age of 20 and besides the women and children.
  • Probably 3/4 people left exodus during the period of exodus.
  • While God took one night to get Israelite from Egypt, it took 40 years to take Egypt from Israelite.
Exodus starts from the birth of Moses
1)The story of Moses contribution is one-seventh of the whole bible.
2) The story of the Moses is one- third of the New Testaments.
Egyptians are the decedents of Ham.

Exodus records:
  • God's communication of Moses 3:1- 4:17.
  • The ten plagues 7:14- 11:10.
  • The beginning of the Passover 12:1-.13:14.
  • The opening of the Red sea 14:13-31.
  • The ten commandments 20:1-17.
  • Instructions for the Tabernacle 24:12- 27:21.
  • Offerings for the Tabernacle 35:1-36:7.
  • The building for the Tabernacle 35:1-36:7.
  • The erecting for the Tabernacle 40-1:33.
  • God filling to the Tabernacle 40:34-38.

Lev1: Whoever brings a burnt offering should slaughter a bull, a sheep, a goat or a bird. The priest shall burn it on the altar to the LORD.

Lev2: A grain offering should be fine flour with oil and incense. The priest shall burn a portion. The rest belongs to Aaron and his sons.

Lev3: A peace offering should be from the herd or the flock. Slaughter it at the tabernacle. The priest shall burn it on the altar as food.

Lev4: If anyone sins unintentionally they should slaughter a bull, a goat or a lamb. The priest shall burn it to the LORD to make atonement.

Lev5: When anyone sins with an oath or becomes unclean they should confess it and bring a sin offering. A guilt offering should be a ram.

Lev6: When anyone cheats a neighbour they should make restitution and bring a guilt offering. The fire on the altar shall never go out.

Lev7: The meat of a peace offering must be eaten within two days. Do not eat fat or blood. The wave offering belongs to Aaron and his sons.

Lev8: Moses gathered the people at the tabernacle. He made offerings on the altar and consecrated Aaron and his sons with oil and blood.

Lev9: Aaron brought a sin offering and a burnt offering to make atonement. The glory of the LORD appeared and a fire consumed the offerings.

Lev10: Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire, so fire came from the LORD and killed them. Aaron and his other sons stayed at the tabernacle.

Lev11: You may eat animals with cloven hooves that chew the cud, and fish with scales and fins. Anything that touches a carcass is unclean.

Lev12: A male child shall be circumcised on the eighth day. A woman who gives birth shall bring offerings after her days of purification.

Lev13: If anyone has leprosy the priest shall declare them unclean and they shall live outside the camp. A leprous garment shall be burned.

Lev14: If anyone is healed of leprosy they shall shave their hair and bring offerings. If a house has mildew the priest shall inspect it.

Lev15: When a man has a discharge he is unclean. When he ejaculates he is unclean until evening. When a woman has her period she is unclean.

Lev16: Once a year Aaron shall make atonement for the people. He shall bring one goat as a sin offering and release another as a scapegoat.

Lev17: Anyone who kills an animal and does not bring an offering is guilty. The life is in the blood and I have given it to make atonement.

Lev18: Don't have sex with a relative, a woman on her period, your neighbour's wife, another man or an animal. These things defile the land.
Lev19: Be holy. Keep my Sabbaths. Don't turn to idols. Love your neighbour as yourself. Don't mix livestock. Do no injustice. I am the LORD.
Lev20: Anyone who worships Molech, curses their parents, commits adultery or has sex with a man shall be put to death. You shall be holy.

Lev21: A priest must not make himself unclean and must only marry a virgin. No descendant of Aaron with a defect may offer the offerings.

Lev22: A priest shall not eat the offerings if he is unclean. No outsider shall eat the offerings. Offerings must be animals without defect.

Lev23: Proclaim as feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Fifty Days Later, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and Booths.

Lev24: Aaron is to tend the lamps and set out the bread before the LORD. An Israelite blasphemed so they took him outside and stoned him.

Lev25: Every seventh year the land shall rest. Every fiftieth year shall be a jubilee, when property shall be restored and slaves released.

Lev26: If you keep my laws I will give peace in the land and make you fruitful. If not I will scatter you, but I will not break my covenant.

Lev27: If anyone dedicates a person or land to the LORD you shall make a valuation. A tithe of everything from the land belongs to the LORD.

Facts about Leviticus

Meaning : " and He called".
Author : Moses.
Time written :1445-1444 B.C

Position in the Bible :

  • 3rd book of the Bible.
  • 3rd book of Old Testaments.
  • 3rd book of Pentateuch or Torah.
  • 63 books to follow it.

Chapters : 27 
Verses: 659

Observations about Leviticus:
God's book for newly redeemed people.
Guides the Israelite. 
  • How to worship God
  • How to serve God
  • How to obey God
This book mostly deal with the people of Levitates (priests).

56 times in the 27 chapters it shows the God's imparted these laws of Moses.

No geographical movements takes place in Leviticus. The Israelite remains in the Sinai.

Leviticus contains very little narratives. It almost consists of regulations to governing the relationship between God and Israelite.

The main concept in Leviticus is how sinful man should approach God.

Idea of "holiness" appeared nearly 87 times in Leviticus.

To be holy means to be separated by other nation of people.

Blood sacrifice:
  • Levi 17:11 "for the life of the flesh in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for its the blood that makes atonement for the soul.
  • The blood sacrifice remains the worshippers that because of sin. The holy God requires the costly gift of life.
  • The blood of the innocent sacrificial animal become the substitute for the life of the guilty offender.
Various kinds of offerings in Leviticus:
  • Burnt offerings
  • Meal offerings
  • Peace offerings
  • Sin offerings.

Num1: The LORD told Moses to count the Israelite armies. The number of men over twenty years old was 603,550. The Levitates were not counted.

Num2: The Israelite's shall camp around the tabernacle: Judah to the east, Reuben to the south, Ephraim to the west and Dan to the north.

Num3: The Levitates are to assist Aaron. I have taken them in place of every firstborn. The number of Levitates over one month old was 22,000.

Num4: The Kohathites are to carry the most holy things. The Gershonites are to carry the coverings. The Merarites are to carry the frame.

Num5: Anyone who sins shall make restitution and add a fifth. If a man suspects his wife of unfaithfulness he shall take her to the priest.

Num6: Anyone who makes a Nazirite vow shall not drink wine or cut their hair. Aaron's blessing shall be: "The LORD bless you and keep you."

Num7: The leader of each tribe brought a grain offering, a burnt offering, a sin offering and peace offerings. Moses spoke with the LORD.

Num8: Present the Levitates as a wave offering to the LORD and make atonement for them. I have set them apart to serve at the tent of meeting.

Num9: In the first month of the second year the Israelite's kept the Passover. Whenever the cloud lifted from the tabernacle they journeyed.

Num10: Make two silver trumpets to direct the congregation. In the second month the cloud lifted and they set out as the LORD had commanded.

Num11: The people grumbled that they had no meat. The LORD was angry but he sent quails. He put his Spirit on seventy elders to help Moses.

Num12: Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses. The LORD was angry and Miriam became leprous. Moses prayed and after seven days she returned.

Num13: Moses sent men to spy out the land of Canaan. Caleb said, "Let us go up," but the others said that the inhabitants were too strong.

Num14: The people grumbled so the LORD said that they would spend forty years in the wilderness. They went up to the land but were defeated.

Num15: There is one law for you and for strangers. Make an offering if you sin unintentionally. Anyone who sins defiantly shall be cut off.

Num16: Korah, Dathan and Abiram rose against Moses and Aaron. Moses said, "The LORD will choose." The ground swallowed up those with Korah.

Num17: The LORD told Moses to bring a staff from each tribal leader to the Tent of Meeting to stop the grumbling. Aaron's staff blossomed.

Num18: The LORD told Aaron: "I have given you the Levitates to work at the Tent of Meeting. Everything that is devoted to the LORD is yours."

Num19: Burn a heifer outside the camp for the water of cleansing. Anyone who is unclean and does not cleanse themselves shall be cut off.

Num20: The LORD told Moses to speak to a rock to produce water but he struck the rock. Edom refused Israel passage. Aaron died at Mount Hor.

Num21: The people grumbled so the LORD sent snakes. Moses made a bronze snake and whoever looked at it lived. Israel defeated the Amorites.

Num22: Balak sent for Balaam to curse Israel. Balaam's donkey warned him. The Angel of the LORD said, "Go, but speak only what I tell you."

Num23: The LORD gave Balaam a word: "How can I curse whom God has not cursed?" Then at another place: "The LORD their God is with Israel."

Num24: Balaam gave a word: "How lovely are your tents, O Jacob." Balak was angry. Balaam said: "A star and a sceptre shall rise in Israel."

Num25: The people were unfaithful with Moabite women and worshipped their gods. Phinehas killed one couple and the LORD commended his zeal.

Num26: The LORD told Moses and Eleazar to take a census. There were 601,730 fighting men and 23,000 Levitates. Only Joshua and Caleb remained.

Num27: The daughters of Zelophehad were given an inheritance. The LORD told Moses that he was to die. Moses commissioned Joshua as leader.

Num28: Bring offerings each morning and evening, on the Sabbath and on the first of the month. Celebrate Passover and the Feast of Weeks.

Num29: In the seventh month on first day sound the trumpets; on the tenth day make atonement; on the fifteenth day celebrate for seven days.

Num30: When a man makes a vow he must not break his word. When a woman makes a vow it shall stand unless her father or husband forbids it.

Num31: The LORD told Moses to take vengeance on the Midianites. The Israelite's killed the men, burned their cities and divided the spoils.

Num32: Reuben and Gad asked to settle in Gilead. Moses agreed if they helped to conquer the land.

Num33: The Israelite's journeyed from Egypt. In the fortieth year Aaron died. They camped by the Jordan and the LORD said, "Take the land."

Num34: Your borders in Canaan shall be Edom, the Great Sea, Mount Hor and the Jordan. Eleazar and Joshua shall divide the land among you.

Num35: You shall give cities to the Levitates. Appoint cites of refuge for anyone who has killed accidentally. A murderer shall be put to death.

Num36: The clan of Gilead asked about Zelophehad's daughters. Moses said, "Daughters who inherit land must marry within their own tribe."

Interesting facts about Numbers.

Meaning - derived from the two numbering (census) of Israel.
Author: Moses
Time written: 1450-1410 BC.
Chapters : 36.
Verses: 1288
  • Numbers took place in Mt.sinai (num.1).
  • Generation that grew up in wilderness took place on the plains of moab (num 36).
Position in the Bible: 
  • 4th book in the Bible.
  • 4th book in the old testament.
  • 4th book in the Pentateuch.
  • 62 books followed by it.
Observations about Numbers:
  • Book of journeying.
  • Book of murmurings.
  • 4th book of Moses.
Observation about Numbers.
  • It covers 39 years, 1:1-10:11 covers some 21 days, 10:1-33:38 covers 38 years, 33-38 through Deuteronomy 1:3 covers covers above 6 months.
  • Numbers opens some after 13 months after exodus.
  • Numbers records some unbelief of Israelite.
  • What could have been happen in that 11 days travel turned into 40 years ordeal.
  • Numbers claims that God spoke to Moses more than 80 times.
  • Because of the rebellion of kadesh Barnea in accepting the report of 10 of the 12 spies while rejecting the report of Joshua and caleb.
  • The generation of exodus will not be the generation of conquest.
  • The mission of spies lasted for 40 days. 
  • God assigned one year for each day. So 40 days is equal to 40 years.
  • With this time already they left Egypt for 38 years.
  • Kadesh Barnea happen 150 miles north of Mt.sinai, and some 50 miles south of Beershebha, and southern gateway of canaan.

Dt1: The words of Moses: We journeyed from Horeb. You would not go up to take the land, so the LORD said, "This generation will not see it."

Dt2: We went into the wilderness. Thirty-eight years passed, then the LORD told us to cross by Moab. He delivered Sihon the Amorite to us.

Dt3: The LORD delivered Og of Bashan to us. I gave Gilead to Reuben, Gad and Manasseh. The LORD said that I would not cross into the land.

Dt4: Now, Israel, hear the commandments and obey them. You heard the LORD speak from the fire. Take care not to make idols. The LORD is God.

Dt5: The LORD made his covenant with us: Have no other gods; Keep the Sabbath; Honour your parents. You shall do all that he has commanded.

Dt6: Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one. Love the LORD with all your heart, soul and strength. Teach your children these commandments.

Dt7: Make no treaty with the nations of the land. You are a holy people, the LORD has chosen you. He will drive out the nations before you.

Dt8: The LORD led you in the wilderness and tested you. He is bringing you into a good land. Do not forget the LORD or you shall perish.

Dt9: It is not for your righteousness that you will occupy the land. You rebelled and made the calf so I broke the tablets of the covenants.

Dt10: The LORD wrote on new tablets. What does the LORD ask? That you fear him, walk in his ways, love him, serve him and keep his commands.

Dt11: You have seen all that the LORD has done. Keep these commands so that you may live long in the land. There is a blessing and a curse.

Dt12: Destroy the high places where the nations worship their gods. You shall bring your offerings at the place that the LORD will choose.

Dt13: If a prophet or anyone else entices you away from the LORD they must be put to death. If a town has turned away it must be destroyed.

Dt14: You may eat animals with cloven hooves that chew the cud. Bring a tithe from your fields to eat before the LORD and for the Levitates.

Dt15: Every seven years you shall cancel debts. Hebrew slaves shall go free in the seventh year. Set apart every firstborn male animal.

Dt16: Celebrate the Passover in the month of Abib. Celebrate the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Booths. Appoint judges in all your towns.

Dt17: Anyone who breaks the covenant shall be put to death. Go to the priests with hard decisions. Appoint the king that the LORD chooses.

Dt18: The priests shall eat the offerings made by fire. You shall not practise divination. The LORD will raise up a prophet from among you.

Dt19: Set aside three cities so that anyone who kills accidentally may flee there. A matter must be established by two or three witnesses.

Dt20: When you go to war, do not be afraid; the LORD is with you. As you go to attack a city, offer terms, except to the cities of the land.

Dt21: If a dead body is found, the city elders must cleanse the guilt. Give your eldest son his portion. A rebellious son shall be stoned.

Dt22: If you find your neighbour's ox you shall return it. If a man falsely claims that his new wife was not a virgin he shall be punished.

Dt23: No Ammonite shall enter the assembly of the LORD. When you go out to war the camp must be holy. Be careful to do what you have vowed.

Dt24: If a man divorces his wife he must not remarry her. Do not withhold wages. Leave the gleanings of your harvest for widows and orphans.

Dt25: A judge may give up to forty lashes. If a man dies and has no son, his brother shall marry his widow. You shall have honest weights.

Dt26: Bring the firstfruits of the land to the LORD. Bring a tithe in the third year and say to the LORD, "Look down and bless your people."

Dt27: Write the law on large stones. The Levitates will say, "Cursed is anyone who does not keep the law," and the people will reply, "Amen."

Dt28: If you obey the LORD he will bless you above all nations; if not, you will be cursed and the LORD will send a nation to destroy you.

Dt29: You have seen all that the LORD has done so keep this covenant. If you break it the land will be cursed and the LORD will uproot you.

Dt30: When you return to the LORD he will have compassion; he will circumcise your heart. I have set before you life and death. Choose life.

Dt31: Joshua will cross ahead of you. Read the law every seven years. The LORD said, "The people will turn away. Write a song as a witness."

Dt32: Ascribe greatness to our God! The LORD's portion is his people; They turned away so he spurned them; But he will provide atonement.

Dt33: Moses blessed Israel before his death: Let Reuben live; bless Levi's work; Joseph's land is blessed. The eternal God is your refuge.

Dt34: Moses climbed Mount Nebo. There the LORD showed him the promised land. Then Moses died. No prophet has arisen in Israel like Moses.

Interesting facts about Deuteronomy

Meaning - second or repeated laws.
Author : Moses.
Time written: 1407-1406 BC.
Chapters :34.
Verses: 957.

Position in the Bible:
  • 5th book in the Bible.
  • 5th book in the old testament.
  • 5th book of the Pentateuch.
  • 61 books follow by it.
Observations about Deuteronomy.
  • The book of remembrance.
  • Covers the time frame of one month.
  • The Israelite took place in the Mt.moab.
  • It contains the farewell series of Israelite's to the old leader of Moses.
  • Deuteronomy is not the second law but adaptation or explanation of original laws.
This is done through three sermons of Moses:
  • First sermon 1:1-4:3.
  • Second sermon 4:44- 26:19.
  • Third sermon 27-34.
Two important passages from Deuteronomy:
1)Deuteronomy 17:9-10
And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levitates, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgement.
And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place which the LORD shall choose shall shew thee; and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they inform thee.

2)Deuteronomy 34:10-12
And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,
In all the signs and the wonders, which the LORD sent him to do in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to all his land,
And in all that mighty hand, and in all the great terror which Moses shewed in the sight of all Israel.
