Short massages of Bible


  • Who can forgive our sins???
  • Four Gospels, Four Perspectives.
  • Mary, Jesus's mother not a God.
  • Different terms of Words used in Bible.
  • Tribal Leaders at the Beginning of the Exodus.
  • The Ark & the Church
  • God's Order of Creation.
  • The 12 Spies of Israel.
  • The Old & New Testament Covenants Contrasted.
  • Ark facts

Who can forgive our sins?

I was really surprised when I saw the result...though I know the truth that only Jesus can forgive our sins my mind thought different answer would come with that...from this result the verses remain me that
"May your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus" (I Thessalonians 5:23)
Our spirit, soul and body should believe on our Jesus Christ. And he shed his blood for our sins.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the only begotten son of God.Matthew 17:5,Luke 9:35
Jesus is the only mediator between God and Men.1 thimothy 2:5,John 14:6
Jesus is the only saviour.Luke 2:11, Matthew 1:21
Jesus is the head of the church.Ephe 1:22,1 cor 11:3
Jesus is the creator of the world.Colossians 1:16, John 1:1,3,10.
Jesus is the Judge of the world.Matthew 19:28,Luke 22:30
Jesus is the only person who is fully human and fully divine.Colossians 2:9, John 10:30
Jesus is the second person of Trinity.1 John 5:7Born of the virgin Mary.Matthew 1:23

The 12 Spies of Israel

Camped in the Wilderness of Paran (Kadosh Barnea) (13:1)NUMBERS 13:1-14:38
One spy from each tribe

  1. Tribe of Rouben - Shammua
  2. Tribe of Simeon-Shaphat
  3. Tribe of Judah - Caleb
  4. Tribe of Issachar - Igal
  5. Tribe of Ephraim - Hoshea (Joshua) - • Tribe of Benjamin - Palti
  6. Tribe of Zebulun - Gaddiel
  7. Tribe of Manasseh - Gaddi
  8. Tribe of Dan - Ammiel
  9. Tribe of Asher-Sethur • Tribe of Naphtali - Nahbi
  10. Tribe of Gad - Geuel

Eight charges to the spies.

  1. To see what the land is like (13:18)
  2. To see whether the Canaanites are strong or weak. (13:18)
  3. To see whether the Canaanites are few or many. (13:18)
  4. To see whether the land is good or bad. (13:19)
  5. To see whether the cities are like camps or strongholds (13:19)
  6. To see whether the land is rich or poor. (13:20)  
  7. To see whether there are forests or not. (13:20)
  8. To bring back some of the fruit of the land. (13:20)

The spies were gone for 40 days. (13:25)Ten spies said the land could not be taken 

  1. The people who dwell in the land are strong.(12:28)
  2. The cities are fortified. (13:28)
  3. The cities are very large. (13:28)
  4. The descendants of Anak (giants) are there. (13:28)
  5. We were like grasshoppers in their sight. (13:33)
  6. The land devours its inhabitants (13:32) 
  7. Amalekites live in the south. (13:29)
  8. The Hittites, Jebusites, & Amorites dwell in the mountains. (13:29)
  9. The Canaanites dwell by the sea and by the Jordan River. (13:29)

Two of the spies (Joshua & Caleb), said the land could be taken.The people wept and wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb. (14:1, 10)The people wanted a new leader to lead them back to Egypt. (14:4)God sent a plague upon the ten spies and they died. (14:37)The people were to wander in the wilderness one year for each day the spies were gone. (14:32-34)Of the twelve spies, only Joshua and Caleb were permitted to live to enter Canaan.

The Old & New Testament Covenants Contrasted

GIVEN BY MOSES... Mal. 4:4: Ex. 20BY CHRIST... Jes. 1:17; Heb. 12:24
GIVEN TO ISRAEL ONLY ... Deuteronomy 5:1-4UNTO ALL MEN... Mark 16:15-16
WRITTEN ON STONE... 2 Corinthians 3:7IN HEARTS... 2 Cor. 3:3; Heb 8:10
BLOOD OF ANIMALS... Hebrew 9:18-19BLOOD OF CHRISTS... Hebrews 9:12
NO CLEAR CONSCIENCE... Hebrews 9:8-9MAKES PERFECT... Hebrews 7:18-19
GOD FOUND FAULT... Hebrews 8:7BETTER COVENANT... Heb. 8:6; Jas. 1:25
FIGURE OF THE TRUE... Hebrews 9:24TRUE TABERNACLE... Hebrews 8:1-2
PURIFY FLESH ONLY... 1 Peter 1:22PURIFY OUR SOUL... Hebrews 9:27
PRIESTS HAD SINS... Hebrews 7:27SINLESS HIGH PRIEST... Hebrews 7:26
WAS TO PASS AWAY... 2 Corinthians 3:11REMAINS... 2 Cor. 3:11; Mt. 24:35


ARK  facts

  1. "Ark" is from the Hebrew word meaning "Box" or "Basket." (Same word used in the story of Moses in the basket on the Nile River).
  2. The length of the ark was equal to one and one-half football fields.
  3. God was the designer (architect) and Noah and his three sons were the builders.

According to Genesis 6:14-16:

  • The building material was to be gopher wood.
  • The ark was to be waterproofed by sealing the boards both inside and outside with pitch. The Hebrew word for "pitch" (kopher) is the same word for ATONEMENT. It means cover.

The ark was of enormous size

  • Length 300 cubits 150 yards 450 feet
  • Width 50 cubits 25 yards 75 feet
  • Height 30 cubits 15 yards 45 feet

The ark infrastructure

  • The ark was to have only one window and that located one cubit from the top of the ark.
  • The ark was to have only one door.
  • The ark was to have 3 decks (stories).
  • The ark was to have separate rooms.
  • The ark was exactly six times longer than its width-the same ration used by modern ship-builders.

7:22-"And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians... The Egyptian cubit was 20.62 inches. Moses wrote Genesis. Using the Egyptian cubit, the ark would have been over 500 feet long.
The ark journey

  • Some have calculated that there was room in the ark for 7,000 species of animals.
  • The ark floated some 500 mils or more before it came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.


  • Noah was the Son of Lamech
  • Grandson of Methuselah
  • Great grandson of Enoch
  • A Babylonian tradition says Noah's home was at Fara, on the Euphrates River.
  • Fara is about 70 miles from the site thought to have been the garden of Eden.
  • Noah was 600 years old at the time of the great Flood.
  • Noah lived another 350 years after the Flood.
  • Noah died at the age of 950 years.

What is his Nature?
He is perfect 2 coriendi 5:21He is sinless 1 John 3:5He done so many miracles 4 GospelsHe had disciples Matthew 4:18-22, mark 3:16-20, luke 5:1-11, John 1:35-51.He suffered, died and rose from death, ascended into heaven Romans 8:34He sits in the right side of the father Luke 22:69,Romans 8:34
What can he do?
Trust on Jesus gets salvation"Not the bases of work but the bases of Faith".
Hebrews 11:1


Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are said to be Four Gospels in the Bible. Which gives the entire History of JESUS his birth, prophesies, miracles, his teachings death and arise from the death.



  • This book specifically written for Hebrew people.
  • Matthew is the tax collector (says in the verses 9:9).
  • Their is more reference about money in this Gospel comparing other Gospels.
  • This Gospel consists of 50 direct quotations from old testament.
  • Consists of 75 allusions from old testament
  • It gives 35 passages towards the Kingdom.
  • Jesus mentioned as "son of David" 9 times that is he belongs to the king generations.
  • This book contains more encouragement messages to the Jewish Christians.
  • There are 20 miracles done by Jesus have mentioned here and 3 miracles are peculiar to this book.


  • This book specially written for Romans that is non-Jewish audiences.
  • Acts 12:12,Colossians 4:10,1 Peter 5:13 tells about the author.
  • The condition of Palestinians and Hebrew traditional were explained.
  • Here Jesus mentioned as servant to do God\'s will.
  • Testimony of God 1:11, 9:7.
  • The proofs of lord 13:32, 14:61 & 62.
  • The demons know Jesus as the son of God 3:11, 5:7.
  • Romans involvement in crucifixion 15:39.
  • This is the 40% of the shortest Gospel comparing other Gospels.


  • This book written for Greek people.
  • The author is the solitary gentiles writer.
  • The author wrote dual books that is Luke and Acts.
  • The author considered as physician (Colossians 4:14)
  • He might jointed with Paul on second missionary (Acts 16:10)
  • This book contains 20 miracles and 6 miracles are owned by this book.
  • This books inherits the Gods interest on Gentiles through the miracles of Zarephath and Naaman (4:25-27).
  • Matthew and Luke Has many parallel contexts.


  • This book specially written for gentiles
  • The author is the son of Zebebee and brother of James (mark 1:19)
  • Who could be close to the lord says the verses of 13:23, 19:26&27.
  • This book explains the characteristics of Jesus by both word sign and work sign miracles.

       Word sign:

  1. The bread of life 6:35.
  2. The light of the world 8:12.
  3. The door 10:7.
  4. The good shepherd 10:14.
  5. The resurrection and the life 11:25.
  6. The way, the truth and the life 14:6.
  7. The true wine 15:1.

        Work sign:

  1. Water into wine 2:1-11.
  2. Healing nobleman's son from miles away 4:46-54.
  3. Curing the man from the pool of Bethesda 5:1-18.
  4. Multiplication of loaves and fishes 6:1-14.
  5. Walking on waves 6:16-21.
  6. Lazarus from his death 11:1-44.
  7. Resurrection event 20:1-29.
  8. Fish-laden net 21:5&6.

"Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews"

     ( Written in three languages that is Hebrew, Latin and Greek)

Mary, Jesus's mother not a God, not a virgin and not a mediator to God.

1Thimothy 2:5

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

(This verse of God says that one God and one bridge between humans and lord God that is Jesus Christ who came to earth as human behalf of God)

Exodus 20:4

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

(Making idols is sin. idols making on the earth, above earth and under the water are sin. Prayers and worships belongs to creator not a creation. No creation on the earth or heaven could replace the image of God or can touch to image the God)

Exodus 20:5

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

(No one should bow themselves infront of anything except the heavenly God. If done so God would enquiry about this to the three generations of the fatherhood.)

Mark 6:3

Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

(This verses shows that Jesus had a brothers and (not cousins because in bible cousins would be indicated as kins) till Jesus birth Mary was virgin and Jesus born for the "virgin mary" after that Mary had her own children.)

Matthew 13: 55

Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

(Jesus had his own brothers from his mother Mary)

Matthew 13:56

And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?

(Jesus had his own sister from his mother Mary)


Mother Mary was blessed among every women in the world. That's why God selected her to sent Jesus his own son through her. It doesn't mean that Mary to be worshipped or make her as a mediator.
Like other disciples she too has the real faith and more knowable person.
Mary should be known but not be praised.
Mary is a mother of God, not herself should be praised as God.
Mark should be respected but not to be worshipped.

Thier is only one God as we believe in Trinity (Father, Son and holy spirit) rather than them we never needed be any mediator.

Terms in Bible

Some times most of the Christians has the huge confusions in the terms of who are Son of God, Son of Man, Sons of God, Daughters Of Men.Each of this terms has their specific own statements in the Bible.

  • Son of God
  • Son of Man
  • Sons of God
  • Daughters of Men
Some times most of the Christians has the huge confusions in the terms of who are Son of God, Son of Man, Sons of God, Daughters Of Men.Each of this terms has their specific own statements in the Bible.
  • Son of God
  • Son of Man
  • Sons of God
  • Daughters of Men

Son of God and Son of Man.

This both Terms in the Bible indicates the same person "Jesus".

"Son of Man" referred as Human nature of Jesus and "Son of God" referred as the Divine nature of Jesus. Before this we need to Understand that Jesus is the "Son of God" and how its implemented in Bible.

Jesus is the Son of God:

  • John 1:34 "Son of God" said by John the Baptist.
  • John 20:31 "Son of God" said by the author John.
  • John 1:49 "Son of God" said by Nathanael.
  • John 11:27 "Son of God" said by Martha.
  • John 10:36 "Son of God?" said by Jesus to the Jews.
  • John 11:4 "Son of God" Jesus said.

In the book of John Jesus referred as Son of God in so many places to make the people stick on the Truth.

  • Luke 1:35 "Son of God" Angels said about Jesus to Mary.
  • Mark 1:1 "Son of God"says about Jesus in the book of Mark.
  • Matthew 27:54 "Son of God" said by the Centurion.

Demons said Jesus as Son of God:

  • Matthew 8:29 "Son of God" asked to Jesus.
  • Luke 4:41 "Son of God" asked by Devil.
  • Mark 3:11 "Son of God" asked by unclean Spirits.

Son of Man.

Here Jesus referred as "Son of Man" in the Bible. It doesn't mean so easily and common term to indicate Jesus but it has some specific and value meaning for this.
Daniel 7:13 "Son of Man" Daniel his vision says about his authority, Sovereign power and about his kingdom.
Mark 10:45 "Son of Man" Jesus says that he not came to be served but to serve. This verses clearly explains us Jesus shows his nature of Human.
Mark 14:62 "Son of Man" Jesus said that he will be seated in right Hand of power.
These are some of the Bible verses says about the power of Son of Man. It is not the common term using to describe Jesus as Son of Man but the term owns more powerful and authority in it.

Sons of God.

 Here "Sons of God" were confusing term in the Bible. Which has two different aspects in it.

Sons of God = Sons of Seth:

Some believers says that "Sons of God" word in the Bible says about the Sons of Seth.

After the death of Abel, Seth were born to Adam and Eve as the replacement of Abel. 

But still Coin considered as Murder because of Abel's death.

So here Seth's descendants considered as covenant people and referred as God's Son.

When the "Son of God" that is Seth's descendants got married with Cain's descendants, God forbade that relationship.

Genesis 4-5 "Two lines of Descendants from Adam" Cain and Seth

God's covenant people are refereed as "God's son" (Deu 14:1, Jer 3:19)

It also leads us to why God Forbade Israelite not to marry Canaanites Women (Exo 34:16, Deu 7:3)

Daughters of Men.

Here we are discussing about the Sons of Men and Daughters of Men 

Sons of God were angels since Job 1:6, Psalms 2:1.But Jesus said Angels cant marry in Mark 12:25.It clears about here the Sons of Men are Differ from Angels.

Cain and Seth are the main genetic line of Adam and Eve after the death of Abel

After Abel's death Cain considered as murderer which leaded to think as the Cain as Tribal line and Seth as Spiritual line.

In Genesis 2 says about that "Man came from God"..."Woman from Man"...

This two terms sense about something that Man came from God (Adam) so he might called as "Sons of God" and Woman came from Man(Eve) so she might called as "Daughter of Men".

Important note here is Man may came from God so he might called as Sons of God its not the relationship between Son and Father its a relationship between Creator and creation...

same way Woman may came from the rib of the Man.It doesn't mean that the relationship of father and daughter it says about the physical formation between them and the women born of Eve...


Nephilims are the group of people who are Mysterious, Gaints and unusual appearance. They might live before and after Noah's flood.
Genesis 6:4 says that Nephilims are the off spring off "Sons of God" and "Daughters of Men"In another hand Nephilims considered as fallen angels because in Hebrews "Nephal" means fall
Two Verses about Nephilims:'

  • Genesis 6:4 Nephilims were on the Earth.
  • Numbers 13:33 Nephilims were their (Descendants of Anak)

As we discussed the terms of Sons of God and Daughters of Men it might give some sense that they are the Off Spring of Haman Race with unusual appearance. 

Tribal Leaders at the Beginning of the Exodus.

TribalLeadersCENSUS(Men 20 years of age or older)
REUBENELIZUR, son of Shedeur46,500
SIMEONSHELUMIEL, son of Zurishaddai59,300
JUDAHNAHSHON, son of Amminadab74,600
ISSACHARNETHANEL, son of Zuar54,400
ZEBULUNELIAB, son of Helon57,400
EPHRAIM, Son of JosephELISHMA, son of Ammihudr40,500
MANASSEH, Son of JosephGAMALIEL, son of Pedahzur32,200
BENJAMINABIDAN, son of Gideoni35,400
DANAHIEZER, son of Ammishaddai62,700
ASHERPAGIEL, son of Ocran41,500
GADELIASAPH, son of Deuel45,650
NAPHTALIAHIRA, son of Enan53,400

The Ark & the Church.

One BUILDERNoah - Genesis 6:13-22Christ - Matthew 16:18
One MATERIALGopher Wood - Genesis 6:14Lively Stones 1 Peter 2:5
One LIGHTWindow-Genesis 6:16bBible -Psalm 119:105
One ENTRANCEDoor - Genesis 6:16rChrist - John 10:9
One FAMILYNoah's-Genesis 6:18God's-Galatians 3:26
One NAMENoah's - Genesis 6:18Christian-Acts 11:26
One BUILDINGArk- Genesis 6:14Church - Ephesians 3:10
One SALVATIONIn Ark - Genesis 7:21-23In Christ & Church - Acts 2:47
One DESTRUCTIONAll Outside Ark- Genesis 7:21All Outside Christ- 2 Thess. 1:7-9
One HOPENew World - Genesis 8Eternal Life - 1 Peter 1:3-4
noah's ark

God's Order of Creation

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Genesis 1:1
In the first three days God shaped the creation. 
In the second three days He populated the creation

Genesis 1:1-5

  • Heavens and the Earth
  • Light
  • Divided Light from Darkness
  • Day and Night

Genesis 1:6-8

  • God divided the waters above and below the
  • firmament

Genesis 1:19-13

  • Dry land appeared
  • Seas gathered together
  • Grass and trees

Genesis 1:14-19

  • Lights in the firmament to give light on the earth.

Genesis 1:20-23

  • Sea animals
  • Birds

Genesis 1:24-31

  • Land animals
  • Man
  • Woman

Genesis 2:2-3

  • God rested from all His work
